F5 和 Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) 的携手合作可以通过防御非法 bot 和欺诈,实现电子商务安全的无缝交付。
高达 90% 的电子商务网站的流量来自 bot,这会对客户体验造成极大影响。利用 F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense 和 Salesforce Commerce Cloud 集成,消除不必要的流量和攻击。
F5 and Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) have partnered to enable seamless delivery of e-commerce security with F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense for real-time bot traffic protection and mitigation.
The F5 SFCC certified integration for malicious bot protection uses AI and machine learning to identify, block, and redirect fraudulent traffic in real time, protecting against account takeover (ATO), credential stuffing attacks, web scraping, checkout abuse, denial of inventory, and more.
Learn how an e-commerce business stopped automated large-scale bot attacks that caused long site outages during product launches, allowing real customers to purchase high-demand shoes.
如今,您可以通过快速、智能和安全的F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense解决方案来保护您客户的数字体验并防御账户接管。您可以完全相信此解决方案的强大功能,因为其中涵盖的一切皆以安全作为出发点。
Distributed Cloud Bot Defense 可以保护 Web 和移动应用免受复杂的攻击,避免导致大规模的欺诈行为。
Distributed Cloud Bot Defense 可以保护 Web 和移动应用免受复杂的攻击,否则会导致大规模的欺诈行为。
How can you tell which traffic belongs to legitimate customers and friendly bot services, and which traffic is from malicious bots looking to cause harm? Watch this video for an overview of F5 Bot Defense solutions for Salesforce Commerce Cloud applications.